Telling the stories of the everyday folks
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Folklore Research is a full-service historical research & heritage consultancy based in Alberta, Canada. We provide services to small and rural heritage organisations, corporate clients, independent researchers and media companies on history-related topics, including digitization strategies, genealogy, content writing and educational programming.
As experienced writers, researchers and organisation professionals, our team can produce expert reports, manuscripts, educational material, social media campaigns, and many other products that can serve your organisation’s needs.
We believe that modern technology has the potential to revolutionize the heritage sector through the protection, preservation and promotion of historic documents. We know that small organizations can struggle to access these resources due to time, money and training; and this is where we come in.
History is fundamentally about people, and we believe strongly that the stories and memories of ordinary, working-class people are just as important to our collective history as the accounts of politicians and kings. We are committed to researching, recording and sharing these stories before they are lost forever.

Meet the Founders
We believe in the value of both environmental and social history, for it is only by understanding how everyday people interacted with their surroundings in the past that we can find solutions to today’s problems as we seek the best possible outcomes for the future. Most importantly, however, we understand that it is only through the tireless work of small organizations and enthusiastic volunteers that we are able to access any of this information at all, and it’s our job to help you keep that legacy alive.
The critical designer of information management systems for all research projects.
The specialist in archives, research and data analysis.

We have had the pleasure of working with some fabulous organisations

Lacombe Museums
Municipal District of Bighorn
Cochrane Historical & Archival Preservation Society (CHAPS)
Rosebud Museum
Stockmen's Memorial Foundation
Cochrane Tourism